"Timeless Space" for Creativity - Education based on Memory + Imagination, Past & Future not the PRESENT please!
CREATIVItY, or rather Creative Thinking, happens exactly in the "timeless space" of the encounter between our memory and our capacity for imagination, that is, between the past and the future. Memory feeds on "lived" experiences whether they are factual, "adjusted by our present perception of what was the reality" or fictitious. Imagination feeds on the projections we are capable of making of the future. In this timeless space, "informed creativity" is born, built on the stimuli of "experience" and "imagination" that allows us to "cross" or re-interpret signs and signifiers, generating new meaning or "new information" . We tend to call this process "Intuition" many times because it is difficult to accurately make it tangible and define all the moments that happen internally in our body and which are then transformed into the creative Idea or the creative solution. In this s...
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