In the words of Stephen Hawking, imperfection created the Universe, or rather the structures that allowed its creation.

I question myself should a Educational or training program, especially in the creative area look for Imperfection as a way to create in students the structures that allow them to create their own creative being?
Will it be on the chaos and not in the perfect "alignment" of conditions and contents that the best and most attentive "students or apprentices" find the random, unordered combinations that make them unique?
Luís Alegre DELLI-Design Lusófona Lisboa, inspired me to re-think this scientific concept and it's application to the education of DESIGN ...
Looking back, the best students that I helped to educate "flourished" in my most imperfect courses, where I risked more, where I started everything without certainty of NOTHING, and where "order" and structures were being created throughout the experimentation and interpretation of events ...
It was a few years ago when I sought to bring more emotion, relationship and feeling to the project classes and for this I immersed in re-combinations of teachings from other arts forms, from Painting to Music for example .... and as a result I have until today a set of people (not all) who tell me how much that experience has changed their professional lives (coming from areas other than Design for example)...
  • Salt & Pepper Art & Science conferences cascais
Or just a short time ago, formative imperfection led the best students to re-design their learning structures, become adaptive and re-design their creative and innovation processes and approach's and today use them in their companies or organisations where collaborate.
Of course imperfection is not the best space and learning model. It does not suit everyone, most students look for defined structures and seek the "order" of others that can become theirs.
We are still far from having students and are more like the old "art apprentices", that is, they constantly seek to re-combine structures and make sense and random and chaos to find themselves, never focusing on "order" but rather on discovery and experimentation.
Inspired by Luís Alegre and Filipe, we are building the imperfection of DELLI - Design Lusófona Lisboa, still in harmony with current learning practices but with the aim of destruction (creative) and re-drawing them.
  • DELLI Space - Design Lusófona Lisboa - 1º Year Students

Still a Long way to go .... but a very motivational journey to the target destination!
GO DELLI - The most Delligthfull imperfection on Design Education!
Americo Mateus - Head of research - DELLI - Design Lusófona Lisboa


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