
Showing posts from September, 2017

Today design thinking must be holistic?

There are many ways of developing and applying design thinking within any organization. According to the Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik (September 2015 and adapted from Junginger (2009)), design thinking is actually present in different ways and places, influencing the organizational structure in several different manners. From a sample of 235 respondents: 72,3% still consider design thinking to be applied/practiced 'somewhere within the organization’ , more specifically and exclusively in ‘isolated’ departments (e.g. marketing, UX or R&D departments); Only 27,2% consider design thinking to be 'intrinsic' to the organization , i.e. an established practice and mindset, which is furthermore integrated in all aspects of the organization, thus serving as a way to discover solutions for all kinds of organizational problems; 21,4% consider design thinking as 'peripheral' , preferably to be outsourced and without any necessity to be cont...